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Thursday, May 12, 2011

MRT Seats - For the Young or the Old?


I'm afraid there are still people out there who just do not know how to give up their seats to those in need: The elderly or pregnant women, etc. In this case... Its a senior citizen. My personal belief is that the young man should have given up his seat for the senior, just because he needs it more. By staying on the seat he was just being inconsiderate and rude. Why does he think then, that the government places so much emphasis on the elderly? However, there are some people (as stated in the article) that believe the senior citizen should not have demanded the seat, and he had no right to do so. This is not an appropriate reason. What happens if the senior citizen asks nicely? If the young man does not give up his seat then, he's really being rude and does not give a thought for his fellow Singaporeans.

In the article, the young man actually posted on the forums to clear his name. In my opinion he did not handle the issue properly. He gave all sorts of excuses that one could possibly give, which included "1 contact lens dropping off" and "On drowsy medication". What he should have done is to accept all accusations, and make a formal apology to Mr. Jason Wang (The senior citizen), as well as to the general public of Singapore.

The problem with youths in Singapore nowadays, in my point of view, is that they lack social consideration and awareness. The reasons for this could be the lack of education on this area. For example, the child might not have been brought up properly by the parents, resulting in the attitude of the child, or the youth when he or she grows up, to be like that towards the rest of the society. To avoid this issue from happening again, parents should therefore pay more attention to the education of the child on moral values and social consideration. The child is the most easily influenced in his childhood years - strike while the iron is hot. Only in this way will Singaporeans all live a happy life. (:

The most important takeaway from this is that Singaporeans need to have a little bit more social awareness and social consideration, so that everyone can be happy. The young man did not actually think to himself: Would he lose much if he gave the seat up? In return, he could give a lot to the senior citizen. Does that not make him happy enough? Helping someone is always a pleasure.

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