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Sunday, August 21, 2011

"Daughter, you're going to marry him!"

Arranged marriages are a common sight all over the world, but debates remain on the question of its justification.

I'm sure many youths base their relationships on their own free choice in modern society. Many a time parents do not even know about their relationships - Let alone decide for them. Although relationships do not certainly lead to marriages, it is a factor in which tells us who decides the marriages, the children or the parents. Youths have a right to choose their own brides - After all, it's their life. They choose who they want to marry. They choose how they wish to spend their adult life. They choose who they wish to spend the second half of their life with. Furthermore, the marriage is for the children anyway and only they will know how the bride or groom is like. Only they themselves know if the other half will make them happy, and live happily ever after.

However, one must come to realize that parents do have a couple of dozens years of experience more than the children. Children are not born to know the dangers and evil of the world, and it is up to the parents to guide them. Some children are caught up with infatuation of another, and in the end falls apart due to the cunning and slyness of the other person. Perhaps he wants to trick your money? Perhaps he just wants you to make love with you for the fun of it? To find true love and live happily ever after is not an easy task, and your parents can certainly help you. After all, they've have so many more years of experience. It will be they who can tell if your future wife or husband truly loves you or not. In order for yourself not to fall into the traps of others, listen to your parents.

I think parents should not have total control over the marriages of their children. The ultimate decision should still be made by the children themselves. However, in making the decision the children should consider all factors and the top priority of factors for them to consider would the reasonable advice from their parents. If they wish to listen or not, it's still up to them.

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