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Friday, February 4, 2011

Should Gaming be Considered an Official Sport?

For all those that are lazy to read the article, here's a summary of the issue.
This is a very much debatable topic, and according to Mr. Wong, a professional and competitive gamer, gaming should be considered an official sport.
His opinion is that gaming is like chess, although it's not a physical aspect, it's still competitive and the reliance on strength (mental and not physical) is enough to consider it a sport. He also remarked how chess is recognized has an official sport by the International Olympic Committee.
So, should gaming be considered an official sport? What I believe is that gaming is harmful to the human body in one way or another. The most obvious and common problem is myopia. In the article, Mr. Wong only mentioned the positive sides and neglected those of the negative aspect. Gaming can cause myopia among other physical problems. Excessive gaming also causes addiction, and addiction will therefore cause other emotional and psychological problems. When worse comes to worst, addiction will lead to family problems and even to the point where the gamer cannot take the emotional stress. That's when suicide cases happen. There was a time when a scholar from overseas came to study in Singapore. His future had been bright - until gaming ruined it. He became addicted to gaming, and soon after he fell out with his professor and in the end killed himself. Such are the consequences of gaming, and if there are so many side-effects and problems to competitive gaming, why do it?
I know that this is not the majority, but as more and more people take up competitive gaming and become addicted, problems arise ever more quickly. Mr. Wong mentioned that a few gamers spoil their image and their reputation, and that actually they are reasonable people. Of course, if you can control your own time and your own life, gaming won't be a problem. But then again, most people cannot achieve that. Only people like Mr. Wong who can take care of themselves and at the same time game a lot, then it's up to him.
In the article, he also mentioned how competitive gaming can restrict one's salary. He mentioned that a gamer would be lucky to have a salary of more than 3k/4k a month. If somebody's vision is so small and he would only pursue his interest in gaming, I believe that's not very good. Everyone should try their best to return what they took from the society, and to help everyone else who helped them.
I believe there are more cons then there are pros in competitive gaming, but this is only an opinion. It's highly debatable, and if you guys have any comments please share (Y)

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